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Ways to Get Carpel Tunnel Relief

Do you suffer from carpel tunnel pain? If so, you are not alone. This affects millions of people each year. Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the nerves in your wrist, leading to pain and numbness in the fingers, hands, and arms. The median nerve can become compressed, causing pain, tingling, and a burning sensation in the hands.

Fortunately, there are several ways to relieve carpel tunnel syndrome pain. Here are eight tips that may help reduce your symptoms:

1) Wearing a Splint

A splint is a device worn on your wrist that keeps it in a straight, neutral position while you sleep. This limits the pressure on the median nerve, helping to reduce pain and numbness.
Splints are made of neoprene and plastic and may be custom-fitted for maximum comfort.

2) Exercising Often

Gently stretching your wrists and hands can help to reduce pain caused by carpel tunnel syndrome. Exercise also increases blood flow to the area, which helps promote healing. Examples of exercises you could do include:

a) Wrists Circles:

Gently rotate your wrists in circles, clockwise and counterclockwise.

b) Wrist Bends:

With the palm of your hand facing up, gently push down on your fingertips until you feel a stretch in your forearm. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then switch sides.

c) Finger Lifts:

Gently lift each finger of your hand, one at a time, hold for a few seconds, then lower it.

3) Use Ice for Pain Relief

Carpel tunnel pain can be relieved by applying ice to the affected wrist. To reduce inflammation and numb pain receptors, wrap an ice pack or cold compress in a cloth and place it on the area for 15 minutes at a time. Doing this several times daily can alleviate pain, tenderness, and weakness.

4) Try Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is a slow, deep breath that helps create relaxation and reduce stress. While focusing on your breath, inhale deeply through your nose, so your stomach expands. Hold for a few seconds, then release slowly and gently through your mouth. Diaphragmatic breathing can help to reduce pain and tension associated with carpel tunnel syndrome.

5) Keep Your Hands Warm

The nerves in your hands are more sensitive when cold, making them more prone to inflammation and pain. Keeping your hands warm by wearing gloves or a hot pack can help reduce discomfort.

6) Try Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies like acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and massage therapy have been known to assist in alleviating carpal tunnel symptoms.

a) Acupuncture:

This ancient Chinese medicine uses pressure points to redirect energy, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation.

b) Magnetic Therapy:

This therapy uses the power of magnetism to help relieve pain.

c) Massage Therapy:

By increasing blood flow and targeting tight muscles, massage can help keep your wrists flexible and loose.

7) Supplements

Your doctor may also recommend specific vitamins and supplements to ease symptoms. For example, a combination of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin B6 has been found to ease the effects of carpel tunnel syndrome.

8) Consider Visiting a Chiropractor

A  chiropractor can relieve carpal tunnel syndrome by realigning the spine and joints to improve nerve flow. A chiropractor may help reduce inflammation and pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome by adjusting the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and neck.

Carpel tunnel is a condition that affects the wrist and hand, causing numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the fingers and palms. For instant Carpel tunnel relief in Roswell, contact LifeGiving Chiropractic. Our chiropractors have years of experience treating and managing the pain associated with Carpel tunnel.

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